For many days and many months, I have been
The following is a comment that I copied from a video.I did not write it! NEVER take the V !!!!
here it is....
wrestling in prayer about this current V. I had so many questions: Where it ties in with the End times. Whether it is tied to the Mark of the Beast spoken about in revelation. A few weeks ago after much prayer for several days, God spoke very clearly and gave me so many new revelations or led me to technical experts with right info..I know this is a heavy topic but I feel the urgency from the HOLY SPIRIT to share. The devil is all about deception and the Word warns us there will be deception surrounding the mark. Says, " Wisdom is needed here. Let him who is wise solve the mystery of the number of the beast." Meaning things are not written as plainly as many think, but there is a mystery that needs solving. The devil will not flat out declare the mark to be the mark because that will be way too obvious. So many Christians are acting as if the mark will have a warning label (like a pack of cigarettes). Most christians believe it is impossible for the Mark to be out without the AC being revealed, correct? What I'm saying is based on my study and what we are seeing happening in real time, this may be a false premise.. The bible makes no claim that the Mark can only come out after the rapture. It only says "He" (antichrist) REQUIRES all to recieve it. Requires meaning mandates it. Now if the devil released it before its time but didn't "require" it, then a lot of christians who took it voluntarily or even a small component of it maybe in danger. Also Holy Spirit dawned on me something that I have never thought of before even tho I've read this passage many times. In 2 Thessalonians 2 where it says before the Man of Sin is revealed, there will be a 'Great Falling away'(Greek word: Apostasia).. I used to think this was just the state of affairs of the end time church in general, but I can see how the Churches setting up their grounds to inject this abomination, The fact that many christians have taken it may infact be the Great Falling Away preceeding the Rapture and the AC being revealed. Today, the Church of the Most High God is under attack and many believers like Esau are trading in their BIRTHRIGHTS for a single bowl of soup. Also, Jesus did say "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM ME and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and decieve many (churches and leaders encouraging their flocks for this abomination that causes desolation of the Spirit of God from your body being the Temple happening right now as we speak. In Greek the number 666 means, "Absence or desolate or waste" or Apousia in Greek). Sin will be rampant everywhere and the love of many will grow cold. But the ONE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED (Rapture). When this evil jab is activated is what causes people turn away from our lord and betray and hate each other.. this lines up with peoples dreams (dreams of zombies) about the jab as well (I'm not saying all dreams are accurate but we need to test it, but God did say He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and many would dream dreams and visions in the last days). John 6:66, " From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." Jesus said many would be decieved on that day including the very elect of God if possible, to take heed no one decieves you (Mathew 24:4, Mathew 24:24). Bible teaches us the End times are likened to the days of Noah in so many ways as per scripture. Historically, A DNA alteration was taking place with the fallen ones mingling their seed among humans long before the door of the ark was shut and before the flood came atleast for 3 generations from the time of Enoch to Noah. One of the reasons why God had to wipe out the entire earth population with a flood was because the entire earth had become corrupted with the fallen ones seed. Yes, what I'm saying is just from the article I'll share Dr. Tal Zaks, Chief medical officer from Moderna put out, it does change your DNA and he calls it "hacking the software of life" and he regards everything in the human body as a software that can be coded and edited, totally debunking the establishment media's lie that it doesn't alter your DNA. This is dangerous ground for humanity in general. Again not something new or never been achieved before. It has been achieved in the days of Noah and how it ties into sin, salvation, rapture and judgment for humanity as a whole in terms of Gods creation being corrupted. Even a nephilim child who was conceived from a fallen angel and a human intermingling was automatically dammned to hell. God didn't show any mercy to even the most innocent looking nephilim baby. Also I found out the greek word for "Mark" is "Charasso" means "sharpen to a point" in regards to the Vaccine/ Hypodermic needle and the MOTB written in the bible. I just find that interesting. Also Rev 18:23 says all the nations will be decieved by sorcery: sorcery = pharmakeia in greek. Rev 19:20 says he decieved them that had recieved the mark of the beast. So both scriptures talk about being decieved into taking the mark. In Rev 13:18 when it talks about " wisdom" regarding the mark of the beast it comes the greek word "Sophia G4678". That greek word means knowledge of very diverse matters; "wordly and spiritual". So the people WILL need diverse knowledge to understand what the mark is.. ex: science ( doctors/ scientists exposing this but being silenced), laws trying to be passed ( like HR6666, Covid Passports), patent numbers such as (2020060606), ingredients like Luciferase (same chemical compound found in Jellyfish, fireflies) that creates a bioluminescence light scannable by phone apps in the near future , hydrogel/nanobots/biosensors that gather biometric data including the ability to read & control thoughts and transmit it to a larger 5G cloud or database which leads to a social credit system of reward/punishment connected to blockchain and bitcoin type system - Artificial intelligence or Transhumanism (Bible calls this the Image of the beast), Quantum dot digital tattoo that carries a digital record of your vaccinations, also creates a visible light (delivered through self-applied microneedle array patch/bandaid vaccination delivery system which will do away the tradtional injections since they won't need to be frozen at sub zero temperatures) baby tissues and OF course scripture. Then the next word in that verse is "understanding" which in greek means "the intellectual ability and the willingness to know". So people do need the intellectual ability and the willingness to consider the fact behind all this. Also, The Mark of the beast isn't just one thing, people are hyper focused on the mark being a "stamp or brand" (Greek word: Charagma) which I'm sure will come eventually with the microneedle Bandaid V, but they not seeing the verse that says, "no man may buy or sell, except he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the beast (Luciferase), or the NUMBER of his name (Unique ID numbers for vaccinated)." Clearly, a few different things listed that come under the umbrella of the MOTB. Also, Really it makes sense for the mark to show up right before the tribulation starts because that is the devil's ultimate tool. It has to be set and prepared because his goal is to send people to hell and that is the easiest way to do it. At times we have to think from the viewpoint of our adversary to catch on to his tricks. And ultimately this is what will usher in the rapture because now there is something truly dangerous the church needs to be delivered from. In conclusion, the bible never rules out the possibility of the 'Mark' showing up before its time or in a different form. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God, and the most intrinisic part of you that testifies is your DNA. All creations has their own set of genome structure but we know they are not created in the image of God, only humans. Hence the reason why God came to die and redeem fallen (sinful) man, NOT plants or animals, NOT Lucifer and his fallen angels and NOT nephilim (product of fallen angels and female humans). When we study the creation story starting with the garden of Eden, God said there would be battle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman -- In Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her Seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.” An ingredient called LUCIFERASE is found in the V to create a race of Luciferians. Luciferase = Lucifer-race. We are now living in the climax of these things spoken so long ago. The reason why the devil is coming so strong right now is because he knows he has very little time. We are almost at the finish line where many beautiful promises from God awaits us for the Millenial Kingdom: To be the Bride of God, a Crown of splendor in his hands before all Nations, smallest member will be made into a great nation like Abraham among many other TREMENDOUS promises with no expiration dates ( Isaiah 60, 61, 65) " I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will steal your crown. All who are victorious will become pillars in the temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it. I will write on them the name of my God, and they will be citizens in the city of my God-the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven of my God. And I will also write on them my new name."